Monday, March 29, 2010


The acronym, VGAM stands for Vein of Galen malformation which is a congenital vascualr malformation of the brain. This is an unique type of AVM because the capillaries that normally slow down blood flow is absent resulting in no exchange of oxygen and nutrients to the surrounding tissues in the brain. Blood is immediately rushed and deposited from the cerebral arteries and into the vein of Galen. This increase of blood is almost immediatly circulated into the heart resulting in congested heart failure. Occasionally the defect can be detected with an ultrasound before birth but is usually diagnosed in infants that are experiencing rapid heart failure. In less severe cases, a child may develope hydrocephalas because of the enlarged malformation that blocks the the usual flow and aborption of CSF. Associated findings include ischemic changes such as a stroke and muscle weakness on one side of the body (hemiparesis). VGAM is prodominately found in the neonatal period or later in early childhood. Both boys and girls are affected equally and occurs in all races.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is inflammation of the paranasal sinuses that are the result of viral, bacteral, fungal, allergic or autoimmune diseases. The inflammation interferes with drainage and causes mucus to build up. Also known as rhinosinusitis and considered to be the same as nasal polyps but as a worst case senerio of rhinosinusitis. Rhino, meaning nose, and sinuses, the cavities in the skull can form nasal polyps (tissue swellings) that can obstruct the air passage ways of the nose. When the mucosal linning in the nasal cavity becomes infected the mucaosal glands start to secrete large amounts of mucus that fills the cavity. Chronic sinusitis is one of the four different subtypes which causes can vary due to the different conditions. The other three forms are acute, subacute, and recurrent acute sinusitis. Chronic sinusitis is the most debilitating form that can lead to physical symptoms as well as substantial functional and emotional impairement. The physical symptoms can be extremly painful from the tissues of the nose being irratated and swollen for the minimal of twelve weeks. A long term duration of symptoms is as followed:
Nasal polyps
Cystic fibrosis
Nasal obstruction

Other symptoms are:
Ear pain
Sore throat
Bad breath(halitosis)
Fatigue or irrtability

Causes of chronic sinusitis may be causesd by a variety of reasons:
Viral, bacterial & fungal growth
Allergic diseases
Autoimmunity diseases

When to see a Doctor ?
You may have several episodes of acute sinusitis that last more than four weeks and keep reoccuring before developing chronic sinusitis. You may be reffered to an ear, nose and throat specialist for evaluation and treatment. See a doctor if you have:
If you have sinusitis a number of times and condition fails to respond to treatment.
If you sinusitis that last more than 7 days.

Saline nasal sprays
Oral, Injected, or Nasal corticosteroids
Over the counter drugs:(

Test and diagnosis:
Nasal Endoscopy
Imaging studies
Nasal ans sinus cultures
Allergy test


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Graves Disease

Graves Disease


First diagnosed by Sir Robert Graves in the early ninetheen century as the most common yet puzzling hyperthyroid pathology, is now believed to be an autoimmune disease. Autoimmunity is a weird phenom itself that occurs when the body produces antibodies and Tc cells that destroy its own tissues. If a diseased form is created , then it is known as an autoimmune disease, such as Graves disease which is started by the thyroid gland producing excessive amounts of thyroxine. Patients with this condition have abnormal amounts of antibodies in the serum of their blood that mimic TSH which continuosly stimulates TH release. Graves disease can occur by men or women but is more common in women after the age of 20 :(


Elevated metabolic rates


Tachycardia & Arrhythmia


Weight loss despite adequate food intake

Exophthalmos-protusion of the eyeballs may occur if the tissue behind the eyes becomes edematous and then fibrous.


There is no way you can stop your immune system from attacking your thyroid gland but treatments for graves diaease can ease symptoms and decrease production of thyroxine. One form is surgical removal of the thyroid gland or Radioctive iodine which will selectively destroy active thyroid cells . Left untreated can lead to serious complications and even death!

But once it is detected it is easily fixedby treatment.